How do backups help to protect from Ransomware?

Tech Writers
5 min readJun 10, 2021


What is ransomware and why it is so dangerous for companies? Ransomware is malicious software that cyber attackers use to encrypt files and documents and deny access to the data on victims’ servers until a ransom is paid. Attackers demand a specific payment to give access to the data. The method of payment is most of the time cryptocurrency, typically bitcoin. Also, they used MoneyPak and Paysafe as payment methods. Ransomware is a critical cyber issue for companies because they will lose more sensitive data at the ransomware attack. Also, there will be a huge profit lost at the unavailability of the system because of downtime. Let’s discuss how ransomware attacks the victim’s system and how backups are important to protect from these attacks.

How Ransomware attacks the system?

First criminals choose potential systems that have security vulnerabilities. After identifying the target, the next step is to deliver the ransomware into the user’s computer or system. Most of the time attackers use phishing attacks to deliver malicious ransomware. Also, vulnerabilities in remote desktop protocols (RDP) and remote desktop services (RDS) are used as the delivery channels. As well as cybercriminals use portable devices like USB devices to inject ransomware into the user’s system.

After the delivery process, a cyber attacker carries out a real storm by installing and executing the malicious software. The most unique step for a ransomware attack is removing access to backups. This malware blocks all the possibilities to restore the backups in the system. Therefore, victims need to pay the demand to get the data back. After the malware execution, the attacker gains all the access and controllers of the system. Especially, ransomware performs a secure key to establish a connection with the command and control server under the control of the attacker. Once the attackers connect to the command and control servers, they demand payments by notifications. They are giving some time to arrange the payment. If they don’t receive the payment during that time period, ransomware will increase.

Sometimes, even though the victim paid, the attacker could not able to recover the backups and data. Because attackers are not keeping a copy of the decryption key. Therefore, satisfying the demand is not an actual solution for ransomware.

How do backups protect from Ransomware?

The most dangerous thing is the ransomware is blocking backup files and folders on the victim’s computer. Therefore, companies face difficulty in restoring the backups. It caused the loss of the most critical and sensitive data. Losing data is a drastic profit loss for the company. Therefore, the organization should maintain safe data backups.

Maintaining a good backup system helps to protect from ransomware. Because we can move backups offsite from the primary system. Also, we can recover data from backups without paying criminals at the ransomware attack. Also, if one of the data backups is attacked, still we can be able to restore the data using other backups. It is very hard to attack offline backs. Therefore, it will be a stop mark to ransomware attacks. Let’s discuss how we can back up data effectively and how it will help to protect systems from ransomware.

How to back up your data effectively?

  • 3–2–1 Backup Method — ‘3–2–1’ backup approach is one of the best practices to preserve from Ransomware attacks. This means having a minimum of 3 recent copies of your data (one main copy and two backups), using 2 different locations/mediums (SSD driver and cloud storage) to store the backups, and keeping 1 backup of those copies from the outside store. Most of the time organizations use physical storage devices like tape and store them in very secure places. Even though one of your data backups is attacked by Ransomware, the company is able to restore data using other backups. No need to worry about data lost from Ransomware.
  • Offline Backup — Maintaining a secondary offline backup copy, is mitigating the risk of Ransomware. Because Ransomware cannot attack the disconnected backups from the infected system. It is necessary to backup business essential data frequently to the offline storage. Most of the time, the company uses physical devices (tape or portable devices) and keeps them in a secure place. If it is an urgent situation, these backups should not drive online. Offline backups should be tested regularly.
  • Use Immutable Storage — Immutable storage also declares as write-one-read-many (WORM) storage. It locks the data and cannot modify it further. Ransomware is trying to change your backups, but immutable storage helps to overcome this attack.
  • Increase the Backup Frequency — The data lost at the Ransomware can be decided by the frequency backups. If an organization often does the backups, the loss will be minimized. The recommendation is to back up critical data at least once per hour. Even though you are backing up your data every hour, there will be a potential to lose the data from the last backup. Therefore, frequent backups are very important.
  • Endpoint protection on backup servers — Companies can use modern endpoint protection backup servers to protect against Ransomware. This platform can detect Ransomware at the very beginning. Then they can immediately lock down the system and stop the spreading of Ransomware.
  • Remove file system access — It is a best practice to remove standard file system access to backups. As an example, using E:\backups is not a recommended one and ransomware specifically targets this kind of directories and encrypts the data. Also, it is not good to use windows operating systems to store the backups.

Having a backup system is not enough to protect from Ransomware. Also, follow the best practices in computer security and minimizing the security vulnerabilities are very important. Not only that, companies should test the recovery process using backup data at least twice a month. It ensures data security and safety from ransomware.


Ransomware is a critical issue in the current tech market. Because it damages the company data as well as the company’s reputation. Attackers use security vulnerabilities to attack the victim’s computer. The most common delivery methods are malicious emails and phishing attackers. Ransomware infects victims’ files and folders and removes access from users. Using a good backup system is the most efficient and effective way to protect from ransomware. There are many ways to effectively backup your data. Offline backups and 3–2–1 backup method are very popular backup methods. Also, increasing the backup frequency can help to protect from Ransomware.



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